So I was discussing a few issues with Mo (my little sister), mainly about her semi punk/hipster
makeover. Which is nice cause she finally understands the concept of self grooming and fashion.
-And is bathing more often (which is a plus)
But besides that we had a little heart to heart about the main reasons why she was going through this dramatic change.
It was primarily due to a few girls teasing her about her eye brows, which are thick (not as thick as Cara Delevingne or Lily Collins) and well defined.
I did comfort her as much as I could, because I too was a victim of the eyebrow taunts (mostly cause I had a uni brow), but that's all in the past.
-Damn our genetics.
But other then that Mo's eyebrows are really pretty, their clean, tidy, well groomed (lucky cow) and they suit her face.
I fed her the 'they are jealous' bullshit that my mother used to feed me, but the chances that they were, are slim to none.
Mo has amazing eyebrows so I wouldn't be surprised if they were jealous of them, but high school girls are ticking, bitchy time bombs. They usually have their own issues which they bottle up inside their hearts and then they pick on poor, defenseless people like Mo to give themselves an ego boost.
I was watching an episode of Supernatural 4.13 'After School special' and it reminded me of Mo. Bullies come in different shapes and forms. They use different weapons to make a person feel like shit. It varies from physical abuse to mental abuse. For example my sister was taunted about her eyebrows, then last Friday she was taunted about her chubby cheeks. She's not fat, she's got a baby face.
So I complained to the school on numerous occasions, but they just turned a blind eye. They've done it before so i'm not surprised, but after some yelling and a whole lot of threats, they finally gave me an explanation.
"The other girls have been having some family issues, and I guess they've been taken it out on your sister"
First off all that isn't a good enough reason to let those girls of with warnings. Secondly just because i'm her big sister and not her legal guardian does not mean that they can talk to me in a patronizing way. I'm there on behalf of my parents, so I should be spoken to with respect.
And lastly ok, they've ignored me, but my sister has complained to the teacher on several occasions. She's not even safe at home, she gets insults through facebook and she's screen-shot and showed the evidence to the teachers yet they've done nothing.
Those girls have started something that has spread throughout the school! What about my sisters suffering. I've complained four times and each time my emails have gone unanswered, my phone calls have been ignored and no teacher has met with me.
Everyone has family issues, no family is like the Brady Bunch. OK, I understand these girls have their personal issues but why did it take so long for this to stop.
Why didn't the teachers speak to them earlier?
I've been complaining since November!!
The school boasts about an anti bullying policy, with anti bullying counselors and yet no one has done anything.
Yes these girls taunt my sister, but it's gotten to the point where the taunts have spread throughout the school, and peer pressure has made her the scapegoat. She's shunned for what having thick eyebrows, having chubby cheeks, doing her hair a certain way, getting good grades?
All superficial and quite disturbing reasons for someone to be bullied. The way the school handled this situation was bad. The girls got a warning and my sister and I were assured that it wouldn't happen again.
I genuinely would like to know why people bully others.
Like why bother hurting someone.
I have no sympathy for bullies, regardless of whatever issues are going on in their lives.
It's life, life's a bitch. No need to take out your problems on others.
So quite frankly that school sucks, and my parents should've learnt from my crappy experience that the school was rubbish. Hopefully things will get better for her or else i'm gonna have to make a few phone calls to Ofstead.
Bullying really is a serious issue, it can lead to severe consequences
Does anyone have any bullying experiences?
Once you're story's out, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted of your shoulders
As for any bullies out there, tell us how you reformed (if you have) and your side of the story
Does anyone have any bullying experiences?
Once you're story's out, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted of your shoulders
As for any bullies out there, tell us how you reformed (if you have) and your side of the story
Let me know, down below?
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