Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy 'Singles' Awareness' Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day.
I'm not Anti-Valentines. Really I'm not.

 maybe I am a little.

But, i'm not as bad as the 
guy who brought every other seat at the cinema so couples 
couldn't sit together (creative but creepy)
This year has been the worst Valentines Day ever. I've never really had a problem with Valentine's Day, yes it's a day dedicated to the shallow interpretation of love. But we're human; this kind of attention once a year is nice.
Today I transformed into this mean, horrible, sarcastic troll. ~I've always been a sarcastic troll, but I've never been this horrible.

It all began in Tesco's... After spending several minutes pondering over what to buy, I bought these cute chocolate roses. I brought them for my lonely friends (who were depressed over having no one to celebrate Valentine's day with).
After I got everything, I made my way towards the front door and this guy rugby tackled me to the ground.
I fell and he ran away, carrying a dozen roses.
I mean, I felt kind of sorry for the guy.
He nearly killed himself cutting through a busy road (true love, is taking risks to deliver roses)
*What surprised me the most was the amount of people who came to help me when I fell* ~Note Sarcasm.

So obviously, I wasn't very pro Valentine when I got Uni. When I walked through the front doors...everyone was happy
 ~Le Shock!!! No, I'm serious, I was shocked. 
No one is ever happy in my University. 
Every face is usually adorned with some sort of pissy expression.
But today, they were all smiley, cheerful and lovey dovey.
I took a step forward, scanned the area and tried running back out, but before I could, my body was seized by a heart.
Yes a heart.

My University takes holidays very seriously. 
The whole place is packed with crazies.
Today the grounds were sprinkled with Shakespeare role players, Giant dancing hearts, robots and stupid love booths. And to top it all off, the center of the quad was decorated with this ginormous metallic heart, that determined a couples ‘love percentage’.
Seriously, the Uni has enough money to buy a huge, electric heart but they can’t pay the damn lecturers (it’s been what a month and there's already been another strike).
Anyways after elbowing the love heart I ran through the quad.
Later, I found out that the love heart I elbowed was my friend, who volunteered to help out (explains the physical contact... and the girlish/goat-ish cry of pain) . 
~Why she volunteered to get beaten and ridiculed by people, is beyond me. 
I finally made my way to my only sanctuary.
The library.

In the library my social circle tried cheering each other up by citing the Metro’s bible for valentines singletons. 
~Which was complete and utter rubbish 
-I had no time to go to a ‘spa’.
-I’m already disgusting seven days a week
-I have no money to buy myself anything 
-Acting as if it were an ordinary Friday wouldn't really help, cause I’d be at work, regardless bringing plates of chicken to couples who would lick it of each others face (not perverted, very disgusting and really did happen today). 
-My platonic male friends are all idiots and would probably whine over not having a girlfriend. 
~I don’t know why you guys repel humans…I think it’s the man period. Stop PMS’ing guys. Just please, I can’t deal with all these emotions anymore. You guys get emotional over tiny things, even Kay doesn't get this riled up and she's the sensitive one. 

After a incredibly long day at work, I popped by my boyfriends house to give him some left overs from work
~Romantic, I know.
I caught him entertaining a lady friend butt naked. 
So today was an awesome day (Thumbs up to all the single ladies) and guys I'm back in the market... the organ trading market, my ex totally ripped my heart out, so i'll be ripping something out of him tommorow :) 
I don't even know why i'm announcing this to the world, but I don't know how to break the news to everyone I thought I'd just post it here. Maybe i'll ask the bastard to prance around butt naked with his lady friend again... that would be easier.

So to end this already horrible day, I went home, hit myself every time I wanted to cry and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Best Valentines day ever!!!!

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