Friday, 14 February 2014

Happy 'Singles' Awareness' Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day.
I'm not Anti-Valentines. Really I'm not.

 maybe I am a little.

But, i'm not as bad as the 
guy who brought every other seat at the cinema so couples 
couldn't sit together (creative but creepy)
This year has been the worst Valentines Day ever. I've never really had a problem with Valentine's Day, yes it's a day dedicated to the shallow interpretation of love. But we're human; this kind of attention once a year is nice.
Today I transformed into this mean, horrible, sarcastic troll. ~I've always been a sarcastic troll, but I've never been this horrible.

It all began in Tesco's... After spending several minutes pondering over what to buy, I bought these cute chocolate roses. I brought them for my lonely friends (who were depressed over having no one to celebrate Valentine's day with).
After I got everything, I made my way towards the front door and this guy rugby tackled me to the ground.
I fell and he ran away, carrying a dozen roses.
I mean, I felt kind of sorry for the guy.
He nearly killed himself cutting through a busy road (true love, is taking risks to deliver roses)
*What surprised me the most was the amount of people who came to help me when I fell* ~Note Sarcasm.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Bullying Rant

So I was discussing a few issues with Mo (my little sister), mainly about her semi punk/hipster
makeover. Which is nice cause she finally understands the concept of self grooming and fashion.
-And is bathing more often (which is a plus) 
But besides that we had a little heart to heart about the main reasons why she was going through this dramatic change.
It was primarily due to a few girls teasing her about her eye brows, which are thick (not as thick as Cara Delevingne or Lily Collins) and well defined.
I did comfort her as much as I could, because I too was a victim of the eyebrow taunts (mostly cause I had a uni brow), but that's all in the past.
-Damn our genetics.
But other then that Mo's eyebrows are really pretty, their clean, tidy, well groomed (lucky cow) and they suit her face.

I fed her the 'they are jealous' bullshit that my mother used to feed me, but the chances that they were, are slim to none.
Mo has amazing eyebrows so I wouldn't be surprised if they were jealous of them, but high school girls are ticking, bitchy time bombs. They usually have their own issues which they bottle up inside their hearts and then they pick on poor, defenseless people like Mo to give themselves an ego boost.

I was watching an episode of Supernatural 4.13 'After School special' and it reminded me of Mo. Bullies come in different shapes and forms. They use different weapons to make a person feel like shit. It varies from physical abuse to mental abuse. For example my sister was taunted about her eyebrows, then last Friday she was taunted about her chubby cheeks. She's not fat, she's got a baby face.

Fall Nails 2013

My nails have been pretty bare since the beginning of Autumn, so I decided to do some online research on what the current 'fall' favorites were. I’m pretty indecisive when it comes to nail varnish…When I see all the beautiful colors at a beauty counter I usually just freeze and gape open mouthed…
~Not a pretty sight, might I add
 For those of you who are just as indecisive as me, here are some current nail trends.

So from what I have gathered the three most popular colors in the UK are purple, red and blue.  I've picked a few colors that have struck my attention… I just might have to invest in some of these.
Fall Nails 2013

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


So two days ago I saw something pretty weird. I saw my little sister slipping on my old wayfarer ray bans, propping on a pair of doc martins and wearing skinny jeans that literally could stop blood circulation in your thighs. 
~I am in no way against skinny jeans, ray bans or doc martins, but my sister has never been very 'fashion forward'.
She was making duck pouty faces and pushing out her collar bones to give of the 'anorexic' illusion in her selfies for instagram.
~again I am not against the duck face or instagram
Anyways the situation played out a little like this;

Me: Why are you dressed like that?
Mo (My sister): Why don't I look good?
Me: No you look fine, but you don't usually dress like that
Mo: Saki, i'm transforming, I wanna be hipster...
My initial reaction ranged from shock horror to confusion.
So me being me, I continued drilling her about her 'change'.

Me: Why do you wanna be hipster?
Mo: Because everyone else is doing it..

So she wanted to be hipster cause everyone else was doing it.
I gave her a long talk about being herself ~ which I know went through one ear and came out of the other.
But after that conversation it got me thinking.
What is classed as hipster now?
Since everyone and their mothers are now incorporating some aspect of hipster fashion.