Tuesday, 24 September 2013


So two days ago I saw something pretty weird. I saw my little sister slipping on my old wayfarer ray bans, propping on a pair of doc martins and wearing skinny jeans that literally could stop blood circulation in your thighs. 
~I am in no way against skinny jeans, ray bans or doc martins, but my sister has never been very 'fashion forward'.
She was making duck pouty faces and pushing out her collar bones to give of the 'anorexic' illusion in her selfies for instagram.
~again I am not against the duck face or instagram
Anyways the situation played out a little like this;

Me: Why are you dressed like that?
Mo (My sister): Why don't I look good?
Me: No you look fine, but you don't usually dress like that
Mo: Saki, i'm transforming, I wanna be hipster...
My initial reaction ranged from shock horror to confusion.
So me being me, I continued drilling her about her 'change'.

Me: Why do you wanna be hipster?
Mo: Because everyone else is doing it..

So she wanted to be hipster cause everyone else was doing it.
I gave her a long talk about being herself ~ which I know went through one ear and came out of the other.
But after that conversation it got me thinking.
What is classed as hipster now?
Since everyone and their mothers are now incorporating some aspect of hipster fashion.